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Vanya kissed Sissy (Marin Ireland) goodbye and tried to save the young Harlan (Justin Paul Kelly). (Ben, their other sibling, has died).Īt the end of Season 2, the team had traveled back to 1963 and saved the word from an apocalypse. The gifted crew include the actress, Allison (Emmy Raver-Lampman), the muscleman, Luther (Tom Hopper), the telekinetic Diego (David Castañeda), the flamboyant addict, Klaus (Robert Sheehan), Five (Aidan Gallagher) who is the brains of the operation, and Vanya (Page), who is the heart and conscience. (Fun fact: it was directed by out filmmaker Cheryl Dunye, who lived in Philly for a spell.) For anyone who has not seen the series, Season 3 can mostly stand by itself even though there are a few references to people and events from the first two seasons.įor those who need context (or a recap), “The Umbrella Academy” has seven superhero siblings who were adopted by the eccentric billionaire Reginald Hargreeves (Colm Feore). Season 3 of “The Umbrella Academy” dropped June 22, and the enjoyable sci-fi series is notable for deftly handling headliner Elliot Page’s transition in Episode 2.

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The following contains spoilers for Season 3 of “The Umbrella Academy.” (L to R) Elliot Page as Viktor Hargreeves, Emmy Raver-Lampman as Allison Hargreeves in episode 302 of The Umbrella Academy.

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